Friday, October 10, 2014

CSC 165 SLOG #4: My first test (Week 5)

Now it is Week 5 of CSC 165. This Wednesday, I had my first term test for CSC 165. This term test was also my first test at U of T. I think the best way to study for the test was to practice solving the past exam. As I solve little by little, I started to understand and know how mathematical logic plays a role in our lives. Not only that, mathematical logic is very significant in computer programming as we have to understand how computers' function works. But what I had the most problem was translating from symbolic logic to English or vice versa. I think it is because I was confused with the difference between implication and conjunction. Before learning about implication and conjunction in CSC 165 lecture, I always thought of them equal or very similar. However, as I learnt CSC 165, I came to realize that these two represent totally different things. I think solving Assignment #1 was also a big help for me to study. What I also found interesting was that doing CSC 165 SLOG also assists me in my study with mathematical logic. I feel like doing my SLOG is like my review for the course materials we covered. Not only that, SLOG made me realize how I have to prepare for assignments and tests. I hope I can achieve high marks on my term test. I have learnt a lot for five weeks and I am eager to learn more about mathematical logic.

I would like to demonstrate my ability in translating from mathematical logic symbol to English.
I am going to let X as the domain of all games and point, G as game, P as point, C(x,y) as x contains y and F as fascinating. 

Symbols: ∀x X, G(x) -> (¬y X, P(y)∧C(x,y)∧ F(y))
English: Every game contains one fascinating point.

For this week, we learnt about proof. I think proof is one of the most essential parts in Computer Science. Up until now, I learnt about the basic of mathematical logic to prepare to learn about proof. When I first encountered proof in CSC 165, I was surprised. I always thought of proofs that I learnt during Mathematics class. However, in this course, we learnt how to structure our proof. This was also on the quiz that I took this week. I feel like proof is going to be a tough challenge to me. I hope to master the beauty of proving and disproving statement.

On Friday, I learnt that I can prove the problem in various ways. But I think I still need to practice how to prove something false as I get lost in the midway of proving. To overcome this challenge, I decided to review during the weekend. I already went over CSC 165 notes that I took this week. But if I look at it again during the weekend, I think I can understand the content of the lecture better than last time. It's like reading same books over and over again. Reading multiple times always allowed me to interpret the content much better and easier. I will try my best learning how to prove an implication.

But what interests me the most is how proving and disproving play a role in our real lives. Proving is the most significant area in computer science. But how about in art, history or physics? I hope to learn how these skills I learn is used not only in computer science but also in other areas like arts. Even if it may not be related with subjects like art, it still plays a huge role in Computer Science, Mathematics, Commerce, Economy which affects our daily lives. As I learn CSC 165, my way of viewing the world has changed. CSC 165 is such an amazing course.

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